An amazing event was not without its conflicts and assorted troubles. Untested and unproven, nobody really knew at the outset how things would turn out. The team from Wutai did not know anything about Korea or our hosts and the reverse was equally true even though the Sori organizers had made a special trip just to meet the Rukai Team. Nobody knew, perhaps, except for me, and Brusan. We had the experience, the vision, and we knew it could work out with a little magick and a push here and a pull there. We made it through the concrete jungle of doubt, distrust and the hypnotic effects of the quotidian, to reach and realize, for a moment, something greater than the sum of its parts.
Brusan Batsagene writes: 未來韓國前一週又一次天災,使霧台鄉的道路全面山崩,巨大災厄,感到茫然失所 . 使每一位參與者懷抱著悲觀懷疑的想法. 氣頭上最容易忘記爭吵的真正目地. 變成都在用心攻擊對方或傷害對方. 原本的吵架焦點都模糊了,傷害卻已造成. 但在過程中不論天災的造成或者人僞的因素. 大家經歷的挫折中一一克服,放下了身段達成目地. 完成台灣國民外交之外,並且讓全世界分享台灣魯凱少數民族文化. 最終還是完成了這探韓國演出. 一個微笑就是乾涸心靈的良藥苦口. 一個團結可讓弱勢族群,淳樸的部落更加力量. 在韓國九天內很慶幸16位沒有人發生任何意外. 大家做到了完美的宣傳活動. 九天內在國際表演中受到觀眾的熱烈掌聲之外. 也影響了國外人士,感動的淚水縱橫. 感謝霧台代表者: 龍秀花; 顏文哲; 巴金水; 巴功海; 麥泰山; 杜彣豪; 巴菊英; 柯菊英; 杜惠珍; 巴呂蘭香; 巴秀真; 柯菊英. 感謝熱愛霧台的台灣國民: 許忝福 李盧英美 吳禎敏 吳心惠的協助.

Tanubak and Brusan - Enjoying the Moment
Loved the new pictures on your blog. You look great.
We love you. Post more... and often!
We love you. Thank you for your comments. Post often. I am doing my best for a more cultural, more conscious reality
子芸: If not you, then who? You are one of those who made this possible.
Chandra: You give me the health and strength that only a sister can give. Read and post often.
You know there are few times in a lifetime when there is a challenge, a call, that only one or two bretheren can step up to. Like Marcus Garvey, Ras, Tafari, and the like, who against all odds, decided to do what they felt right. Crazy and without any thought to the eek-onomics of life, we facilitated a cultural event, A confusion of realities, a shadow or eclipse upon what most of us consider real -- in other words, an incidence of the appearance of the real in a world of simulations. god bless jean baudrillard
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